Sunday, May 18, 2014

Stock Market Garden

Is it nice to have a garden that instead of growing plants it is growing money and lots of it for your reaping?

This is a great metaphor on how you can start building your wealth and it does not require a green thumb to get you started but an open mind will surely give you a head start.

How can you get started in the stock market? This is a common question I got from my friends and acquaintance when they learn that I'm into stock market. I'll enthusiastically tell them how to get started and share my own experience of the stock market. There are those who get started after a few days and the next time we talk, we are already talking about how our stocks is doing and sharing more about stocks that we are watching. Some even goes deeper and we share our own chart analysis of certain stocks. And there are also those who will still ask me the same question, "how can I get started in the stock market?" Why? probably they want to know more about it or they find it risky and want more information but I guess some of them do not have yet the money to get started.

Then, a more valid question will be "How much is needed to get started in stock market?" A straight answer will be P5k a common opening account required by online stock brokers. There is even one online stock brokers that do not need any opening balance until you are not yet buying a stocks. So you need P5,000.00 to get started, then what is next which is more important, how much do I need to buy a stock?

Below are some common and well known companies listed their stocks in the Philippine Stock Market and the minimum amount you need to buy one (1) board lot or minimum amount to buy them.

For as small as over P500.00 pesos you can buy ten (10) shares of Cebu Pacific, for less than P2,000.00 you'll be part owner of Jollibee Foods Corporation (but it does not entitles you for free fries or burger) or for less than P1,000.00 you'll be owner of one hundred (100) shares of GMA7 (still no free airtime for you). And yes there are stocks that cost less than P1.00 like Lepanto Consolidated Mining on the table above.

Unlike any other investment products, you are in full control of your investment, if you decided to open an account and deposited P5,000.00 and decided to buy 100 shares of Ayala Land, 100 shares of GMA7 and 10 shares of BDO for a total amount of P4,938.44 and decided the following day that you'll instead buy a new shoes, you'll just have to sell all your stocks and after three days you'll have the cash available for withdrawal (it can be higher or lower than P5k depending on the price changes when you sell your stocks).

Now, to help you get started, more about how to choose stocks to buy and plant in your garden for later picking of fruits. Join me for a FREE webinar: Stock Market Garden and learn how to get started in stock market. Here is the link to register for a FREE seats on the webinar

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